Do you have a fertile body? 

Do you have a fertile body?

What does that even mean?

A fertile body means more than just being able to get pregnant. 

A fertile body embodies the full meaning of having an abundance of energy, your body feeling safe and being in homeostasis.

It’s a sign your honoring your body’s needs and feminine biological preferences. 

We can’t just assume because we’re a woman that we are fertile and ready to conceive.

We have to look for symptoms and check in with ourselves.

  1. Warm body: A warm body is a sign of a healthy metabolism. This will look like a basal body temperature in the 97.8-98.6 range, a resting pulse rate in the 75-90 range, & warm hands and feet.

  2. Good libido: A healthy libido is a sure sign of a fertile body. Libido will be one of the first things to go when your body is under stress. Having an adequate libido is a sign your body feels safe enough to conceive.

  3. Ample energy: Having ample and sustained energy throughout the day. Not having afternoon crashes or needing to rely on coffee or nap to make it through the day. Recovering from workouts well.

  4. Sleeping well: you fall asleep easily, stay asleep, are in bed by 10pm, sleep 7-9 hours and wake feeling rested

  5. Healthy menstrual cycle: Your cycle is 22-35 days in length, you have pain free periods without too much bleeding that last 4-7 days in length, you have a luteal phase of 12-14 days, you confirm ovulation each month and you have egg white sticky cervical mucus during your fertile window. 

  6. Smooth digestion: You don't feel bloated, crampy, have gas or acid reflux after eating. You poop minimum of once a day. Your stool isn't tarry and it doesn't float. There are no large pieces of undigested food in your stool. You don't suffer from seasonal allergies, food sensitivities, etc. 

  7. Vibrant hair, skin and nails: y​​ou have strong hair that doesn't break or shed easily. Your skin is blemish/acne free and moisturized. Your nails are strong and do not peel, chip or have white spots on them.

  8. Regulated nervous system: You feel calm, you don't overthink, you remember things well, you can focus easily, no brain fog, not feeling defensive or getting triggered easily, no anxiety/ depression, you can relax, you don’t take on too much at once

If this *isn't* you... check out my free masterclass (watch here) to learn how to create a fertile body! 




German New Medicine, Thyroid + Fertility: How the Pressure to "Keep Up" in Life Can Affect Your Thyroid and Fertility


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